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高盛週三 (27 日) 發布報告指出,近期宏觀資產受到輝達財報影響,表明了人工智慧 (AI) 主題的重要作用以及輝達作為關鍵市場領頭羊的作用。
Junk-bond ETFs edged into positive territory on Thursday, while the broader bond market remains in the red.
Bonds are rallying in anticipating of Federal Reserve rate cuts, but higher yields still mean opportunity, says Nuveen strategists.
Legacy automakers had to deal with a raft of issues in 2023. In addition to the colossal task of figuring out how to build literal "data centers on wheels," electric vehicle (EV) pioneer Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA) hastened on a price war. Faced with mounting losses on EV production, rising wages for auto
Higher bond yields or a recession could tip more 'zombie' companies into bankruptcy, potentially making a ugly situation worse for inves...
Investors flee exchange-traded funds that buy corporate junk debt, a risky pocket of fixed income that has been outperforming as yields ...
Inflation isn’t a new issue for the U.S., but in recent times, it’s been extra intense. In May 2022, it rose to 8.6% from a year prior — the highest it had been in four decades. Inflation has cooled down since then, but it remains a serious issue and continues to put pressure on consumers who can’t
Investors in U.S. corporate bonds are betting on resilience for the U.S. economy, despite the Federal Reserve indicating borrower costs ...
This 84-year-old investment firm is on the lookout for cracks in credit markets from the Federal Reserve's rate hikes.