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FactSet 最新調查:Roper科技ROP-US目標價調升,最高估值、最低估值、中位數、綜合評級、近5日股價、標普、即時新聞資訊
Revenue: US$1.72b (up 12% from 2Q 2023). Net income: US$337.1m (down 6.6% from 2Q 2023). Profit margin: 20% (down from 24% in 2Q 2023). The decrease in margin was driven by higher expenses. EPS: US$3.15 (down from US$3.39 in 2Q 2023). All figures shown in the chart above are for the trailing 12
We recently compiled a list of the 8 Best Scientific Instruments Stocks to Buy. In this article, we are going to take a look at where Roper Technologies, Inc. (NYSE:ROP) stands against the other scientific instruments stocks. A scientific instrument is a device or tool used for scientific purposes